We're joining our good friends at Mindr (and their friends at the United Nations Foundation's Global Moms Challenge) to help make history, with the World's Biggest Mama Meetup EVER!
On March 8th, 2018 -- International Women's Day -- Nibble+squeak will be facilitating mama meet-ups across the USA and around the world! We'll take part in a global conversation about how we can make the world better for all moms, and how moms can make the world better for everyone.
“Our core philosophy at Nibble+squeak is that there’s nothing more powerful than a community of parents. We’re proud to be bringing people together around the world as part of the World’s Biggest Mama Meetup.”
Whatever you'd like! It would be great to have a conversation about some of the big issues facing mamas today, like access to care for a safe and healthy pregnancy, the #MeToo movement and how to make workplaces and neighborhoods safe for all, ways to fight the "motherhood penalty" in the workplace, and get mothers into boardrooms and onto ballots, and how educational opportunities can empower women and girls.
Everywhere! There are global meet-ups planned, but Nibble+squeak will be fostering meet-ups in our existing communities, plus a few beyond! Contact us below if you'd like to connect with the group in your city.
Adelaide - Atlanta - Austin - Bangkok - Beijing - Berlin - Boston - Boulder - Brazil - Brisbane - Canberra - Cape Town - Charleston - Chicago - Cincinnati - Connecticut - Dallas - Denver - Des Moines - Detroit - Edmonton - Fort Lauderdale - Guangzhou - Guatemala - Ho Chi Minh City - Hong Kong - Houston - Indianapolis - Istanbul - Kansas City - Krakow - Lagos - London - Los Angeles - Memphis - Melbourne - Mexico - Miami - Munich - New Jersey - New York - Newcastle - Omaha - Orange County - Paris - Perth - Philadelphia - Phoenix - Pittsburgh - Salt Lake City - San Diego - San Francisco - Seattle - Shanghai - Shenzen - Silicon Valley - St. Louis - Sweden - Sydney - Toronto - Twin Cities - Washington, D.C.